3dsMax 2017全面核心训练视频教程 教学视频
课程名称: 3dsMax 2017全面核心训练视频教程 教学视频课程简介:
教程中文名称:3dsMax 2017全面核心训练视频教程
教程英文名称:Lynda 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
教程格式:mp4 附工程源文件
教程使用软件:Cinema 4D
教程作者: Aaron F. Ross
3ds Max以它的建模和渲染工具著称。3ds Max的这些功能在建筑,制造,游戏开发,工业设计和制作动态图形中都可以使用。3ds Max中有很多功能和技术需要我们去学习:从简单的雕刻和制作纹理到进阶的用光和渲染。本教程从3ds Max的基础讲起,为我们讲授所有软件功能的概述,以及3D艺术家在专业建模和制作动画中需要用到的必要技能。学习使用3ds Max的界面并自定义设置,以符合自己的工作流程。课程中我们会学习如何使用样条曲线,NURBS,多边形,细分曲面,和Paint Deform一类的工具建模。然后学习如何构建层次结构,为场景添加摄像机和灯光,并使用关键帧制作动画。讲师Aaron F. Ross还会为我们讲解材料和纹理映射,以及3ds max 2017的渲染选项,包括新开发的Autodesk Raytracer (ART)渲染器。
3ds Max is best known for its modeling and rendering tools. These strengths come into play in architecture, manufacturing, game development, industrial design, and motion graphics. There are dozens of features and techniques to master, from sculpting and texturing to lighting and rendering. 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training covers “Max” from the ground up, providing an overview of the entire package as well as essential skills that 3D artists need to create professional models and animations. Learn how to get around the 3ds Max interface and customize it to suit your production pipeline. Discover how to model different objects using splines, NURBS, polygons, subdivision surfaces, and tools such as Paint Deform. Then find out how to construct hierarchies, add cameras and lights to a scene, and animate with keyframes. Author Aaron F. Ross also takes an-depth look at materials and texture mapping as well as the rendering options in 3ds Max 2017, including the new Autodesk Raytracer (ART) renderer.
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2017全面核心训练视频教程 教 3dsMax 2017全面核心训练视频教程 教学视频